Experts lists and roster services

El artículo 17 de los Estatutos del Col·legi prevén la existencia de un turno de actuaciónprofesional para atender aquellas solicitudes recibidas de terceros interesados en que el Col·legi les designe un censor jurado de cuentas para llevar a cabo un determinado encargo.

Si estáis interesados en estar incluidos en este turno de actuación [1], tenéis que hacerlo a través de la circular que cada año -hacia el mes de noviembre- envía el Col·legi, rellenando el boletín de inscripción que se adjunta.

 [1] Quedan excluidas las actuaciones como périto el turno de actuación de las cuales se hace referencia en el apartado de Actuaciones en el ámbito judicial (Périto Judicial)

*Le informamos que los datos personales facilitados serán tratados por el Col·legi de Censors Jurats de Comptes de Catalunya con la finalidad de permitir la gestión del servicio por el que se ha interesado al facilitarnos los datos. La base de legitimación es el consentimiento. Sus datos serán tratados durante la gestión del servicio y, una vez finalizado, durante los plazos de prescripción de las obligaciones nacidas del tratamiento. Tiene reconocidos los derechos previstos en la normativa vigente en materia de protección de datos, que podrá ejercitar remitiendo su solicitud al Col·legi de Censors de Comptes de Catalunya, c/ Sor Eulàlia d'Anzizu, 41, 08034 - Barcelona, o enviar un correo electrónico a la dirección, indicando Referencia LOPD y el contenido y alcance de su solicitud. Para más información, por favor visite nuestra Política de Privacidad en
  • Insolvency administrator
As established in article 27.1 of Insolvency Act 23/2003, of 9 July, an account auditor with five years' professional experience and proven specialisation in the insolvency area may be designated as an insolvency administrator. In addition, any company with at least one exercising lawyer and one account auditor may also be appointed to this position.
Furthermore, to be designated, pursuant to article 27.3 of that Act, it is necessary to be included in a list posted in the dean's office of the competent courts formed by professionals and companies who have declared that they are available to carry out the insolvency administrator functions, their training in the insolvency area and in all cases, their commitment to continue their training in this area.
To that end the respective professional associations will submit, in December of each year, for use on the first day of the next year, the respective lists of persons and companies available. Therefore during the months of September/October each year, the ICJCE (its centralised management means that the member can be designed by the courts outside the territorial scope of the Association) sends a circular regarding the legal area services roster with the requirements and registration system for insolvency administrators and/or judicial experts.
Likewise the professionals and companies not obliged to be members may ask the dean's office to include them in the list, providing documentary evidence of their training and availabiltiy to be designated. This option could be used, for example, by interested companies that are not registered in the ROAC and which have at least one exercising lawyer and one account auditor.
  • Legal expert
Article 335 of Act 1/2000 of 7 January, regarding the civil code, establishes that when scientici, artistic, technical or practical knowledge is necessary to assess relevant fact ors circumstances in a matter or to acquire certainty regarding such aspects, the litigating parties may, in the cases foreseen in that Act, request the issuing of a report by an expert designated by the court. In addition the parties may contribute to the process expert reports that merit their trust, which is outside the scope of this services roster. To that end, in accordance with article 341 of that Act, in January of each year, professional associations or similar entities must send the respective legal bodies a list of members who are available to act as experts. Thus, every year the ICJCE, through the above circular, sends the respective requirements and information for registration as experts, which is submitted to the legal bodies. This list is also sent to the Tax Authorities, as it is held that the registered parties have an interest in acting as third-party experts within the framework of the assets-checking procedure foreseen in article 135 of General Tax Act 58/2003 of 17 December.

Every year the Association sends the Business Registries that so request a list of chartered accountants who wish to be registered as account auditors and/or independent experts in relation to the following services and territorial scopes:

  • As auditors, pursuant to article 71 bis 1, ) 2 and in additional provision 4 of Insolvency Act 22/2003 of 9 July, in relation to the concurrence of the majorities required in certain refinancing agreements. 
  • As independent experts, pursuant to article 71 bis 4 of Insolvency Act 22/2003 of 9 July, in relatino to the content of the feasibility plan on which certain refinancing agreements are based. 
  • As an accounting auditor or an independent expert as set out in the revised text of the Corporate Enterprises Act[1], approvied by Royal Legislative Decree 1/2010 of 2 July, other than what is provided for in article 265 thereof[2]
  • As an independent expert, pursuant to Act 3/2009 of 3 APril, on structural changes in trading companiess.
If you are interested in being included in these list, proceed as indicated in the circular sent to you in October each year by the Association, using the registration form attached to it.
[1] From 1 January 2016 the services foreseen in articles 107, 124, 128, 308, 353, 417 and 505 will no longer be reserved for account auditors and only the status of expert independent is required.

[2] Account auditor services for which the Business Registry foresees that the appointment must be made based on the list of auditors registered with the ROAC.