Press releases

Catalonia generates more than 500 jobs every year in the audit sector

21 April 2017

Working day "Auditor for a day" 2017. Published in La Vanguardia

How to know and prevent fraud

18 April 2017

Article by Mr. Daniel Faura, President of the CCJCC, published in the newspaper Diari de Terrassa

How does corruption occur?

16 April 2017

Article by Mr. Daniel Faura, President of the CCJCC, published in the digital newspaper Diari de Girona

34/5000 Who and how are the fraudsters

12 April 2017

Article by Mr. Daniel Faura, President of the CCJCC, published in the digital newspaper

CSR - The involvement of the private sector, key to fighting corruption

31 March 2017

Working day "Business strategies and practical tools for the prevention of corruption in the private sector" organized by the Spanish Network of the United Nations Global Compact and Transparency International Spain, with the participation of the Col·legi de Censors Jurats de Comptes de Catalunya